Consultancy and assistance for foreign companies
operating in Italy
Consultancy and assistance for foreign companies operating in Italy2017-01-27T11:45:56+01:00

Thanks to the deep rooting on the territory and to the wide range of direct and indirect contacts all around the country, Studio Broggini is the ideal partner for foreign groups and companies that want to operate on the national market, through specific acquisitions or with a direct installation of their activities.

Currently, Studio Broggini is partner of primary European companies for the management of the productive and commercial branches seated in Italy.

Studio Broggini, thanks to its Russian mother tongue collaborators, can offer a qualified assistance to customers and groups seated in Russia (or with Russian nationality): the main activity sectors are the consultancy to start branches and new Italian companies, the assistance in the management of assets in Italy by companies and single subjects that want to invest in Italy, consultancy, assistance and training on the Italian tax system in general, assistance and consultancy for the company’s internationalization, up to the preparation and translation of balance sheets and administrative-fiscal documents in a foreign language.